Screening & Psychological Testing For Adults

Screening & Psychological Testing For Adults


This practice integrates current research (literature) into clinical practice, by way of choosing screening measures and interventions that have demonstrated best clinical outcomes in the assessment and treatment of symptoms. Ongoing assessment is provided over the course of sessions in order to gauge treatment effectiveness. This means you may be asked to complete a brief one page screener, in session, that will monitor if you’re making headway toward your goals and to monitor if your symptoms are the same, better, or worse. Interventions and treatment plan will be modified as indicated.


As a psychologist, Dr. Lucia has a specialty in the administration, interpretation, and report writing of full battery psychological clinical assessments. Psychological testing is only indicated to answer specific referral questions.

Types of testing currently offered include Bariatric Surgery Evaluations and Chantix Evaluations. Often the treating surgeon and/or primary care physician will request clearance from a psychological standpoint before bariatric surgery or medication for smoking cessation is initiated.

Other types of testing currently offered include personality testing, such as the MMPI-2 and more. IQ testing is not currently available. Personality tests are often needed for employment, enlistment into military, entry into federal positions, court mandate, or other disability services. If you desire comprehensive psychological testing services and/or other forms of testing please call and we can discuss your referral needs and associated fees.
