Ethical & Legal Standards

Ethical & Legal Standards


Dr. Lucia is the Director and Owner of Behavioral Health and Trauma Recovery Services, P.C. This practice is devoted to providing high quality care to civilians, first responders, and past/present members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Dr. Lucia is credentialed with the National Register of Health Service Psychologists; this is a national distinction that credentials psychologists who meet stringent requirements for education, clinical experience, and who demonstrate a high level of ethical conduct and integrity in the profession.

Treatment interventions used at this practice are chosen because they are rooted in clinical research and have been shown to result in effective outcomes. As a Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Lucia directs all treating providers to engage in professional practice per academic research guidelines, and to stay involved in education and training opportunities. All clinical staff are expected to uphold this standard.

Operations of this practice adhere to the HIPAA Privacy Rule and HIPAA Security Rule to ensure every patient’s privileged information is protected. In this digital age, patient information is increasingly more vulnerable. All treating providers are also a mandatory reporter when individual and/or community safety is at risk. At your first therapy session you will be provided with a Notice of Privacy Policies and Practices, as well as a Disclosure Statement & Policies, which detail how your private information is protected and specific state laws that pertain to therapy encounters.

To get started, please contact us today, we would love to hear from you!
