Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling


This practice offers couples counseling services for you and your partner. Couples therapy is not just about “communication” and “conflict management” which are common terms used and standard areas that are the primary target in most couples sessions. At this practice your treating provider is trained in the delivery of evidence-based techniques from the Gottman Method for couples work. The Gottman Method Couples Therapy is based on Dr. John Gottman’s Research that began in 1970s and continues to this day. The research has focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that does not just focus on conflict, but that is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendships and intimacy in your relationship, as well as create shared meaning. To help the couple productively manage conflicts, you both will be given methods to manage “resolvable problems” and dialogue about “gridlocked” (or perpetual) issues. We will also work together to help you both appreciate your relationship’s strengths and to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.


The first three session focus on assessment of the relationship. In the first session, the couple will be given some written materials to complete, as well as asked to complete an online assessment, The Gottman Relationship Checkup, to be completed outside of session. This is optional, but highly recommended in order to adequately understand couples strengths and areas of improvement, and overall this information will assist your treating provider in better understanding the couple relationship. In the first session we will talk about the history of the relationship, areas of concerns, and goals for treatment.

In the second session, your treating provider will meet with each partner individually to learn each partner’s personal histories and to give each partner an opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. In the third and final assessment session, your treating provider will share recommendations for treatment, and define mutually agreed upon goals for couples therapy.

Ongoing treatment thereafter will be focusing on skill building and practicing during session the implementation of these new skills. Couples work focuses on emotions, behaviors (changing interaction patterns), cognitions/thoughts (how does each person think about their partner and the relationship), and learning each others narrative (each partners personal histories and struggles). It is very important that couples work not only places focus on how to engage in healthier conflict, but also on building friendship and creating shared meaning, as this is the primary way research has shown will result in lasting change in couples.


1) Criticism

2) Defensiveness

3) Contempt

4) Stonewalling

To learn more and get started with couples therapy services, please contact us today, we would love to hear from you!
